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by wendy gregory

Mixed media

h: 42 w: 96 d: 4 (cms).

Experimenting with various materials and making marks across a surface is a process I use, where colour and paint are allowed to become the subject.  In Sea-swell thick paint was layered over thin washes and pushed into the surface.   I scraped and washed back parts to reveal some under layers, so that changes in colour and its application revealed hidden meaning, a feeling, balance and an element of surprise.

Acrylic and ink on 6mm panel nestled inside a minimal off-white tray frame.


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Changing Landscapes

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by wendy gregory

Inks and W/C

h: 70 w: 93 d: 3 (cms).

As landscapes become perilously unsustainable, our imaginations of how the world could be remain steadfast and gives hope.

Changing Landscapes was painted from my kitchen window during an unusually wet spring, where daily flooding was followed by a national heatwave.  


Wabi-sabi:  Appreciating beauty in imperfection and the impermanent beauty of nature.

Wet on wet Inks on Watercolour paper in off-white painted frame behind glass


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