Robert George Sanders

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by rowena payne

Watercolour, Caran d'Ache neocolor 2 soluble crayon, soluble Daler Rowney graphite

h: 64 w: 54 d: 3 (cms).

10 minute fast portrait of Robert George Sanders.  Worked fluidly with soluble graphite, crayon and conte pencil into loose approximately placed pools of watercolour. 

My practice is to work fast and capture the first, rich impression of character and emotion through disposition of head and in this case hands flexed in surprise or awe.  Robert George Sanders is a curator of fashion, theatre and theatrical make-up, dance, vintage clothes and fabrics as well as being a florist.  I love his dramatic, vibrant, and theatrical poses. His quixotic persona overlays a highly sensitive, creative, sociable, engaged character.


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Robert George Sanders III

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by rowena payne

Watercolour, Caran d'Ache neocolor 2 soluble crayon, soluble Daler Rowney graphite

h: 71 w: 52 d: 2 (cms).

A fast, loose portrait of Robert George Sanders. This is quickly drawn over 20 or so minutes. I draw with soluble media into pools of approximately placed watercolour.  The watercolour fields are kept wet and workable to facilitate gestural marks and accidents of mark making to accompany fairly accurate proportion and thus gather that first emotional impression. It can be a risky process but always exciting and challenging!

I love this quirky, charismatic model, and his exotic and beautifully staged persona overlaying a highly sensitive, creative, original and sociable person.  He is a curator of himself and other models, accenting movement, vintage fabrics, theatrical make-up, making for 'off the wall' allluring stances. 


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by rowena payne

Watercolour, Caran d'Ache neocolor 2 soluble crayon, soluble Daler Rowney graphite

h: 70 w: 51 d: 2 (cms).

Painting of Andrea, an italian life model and a favourite. Beautiful, elegant, with a searching gaze, a very experienced model who knows how to set a challenge!

My process is to combine loose, extremely fluid pools of approximately placed watercolour with strategically placed gestural drawing marks, using soluble graphite or crayon, sometimes conte pencil. I draw quickly, wanting to capture and not lose that first, intriguing impression, so collating character, physical presence, emotion and disposition. My sense is not to overwork a painting with redundant high detail and hopefully engage the viewer to keep returning to the work to make his/her own assessment.

This post was all of 20 minutes, one of a series from Andrea, featuring in a programme of 12 or so models in a New Year's Eve Sketchathon on Instagram through Scottish Borders Life Drawing Group via Zoom.  It was fun and exhausting!!




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by rowena payne

Watercolour, Caran d'Ache neocolor 2 soluble crayon, soluble Daler Rowney graphite

h: 62 w: 47 d: 2 (cms).

Life drawings of Katrin. A vibrant, highly expressive and constantly creative life model. She is a regular, favourite life model at my local life drawing group. Her poses are natural, simple and engaging, but make no mistake, always challenging!

This is of three, three minute poses, worked quickly and gesturally in places. I use soluble media, graphite, crayon and occasionally conte for a darker more dramatic line; and draw fast, into fluid, very wet and moving fields of approximately placed watercolour, as I only have 3 minutes!  These were drawn in succession onto a sheet of A2 heavy cartridge paper. It's intriguing how the poses flow together!





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