Social Interactions - Identity (Fashion Dispute)

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by jane eaton Mrs

0il on Wood Panel

h: 30 w: 41 d: 4 (cms).

Social Interactions  A body of work which developed during Covid lockdown which coincided with my recovering from a Takotsubu (heart event). Unable to go to my studio and instructed to rest I used the opportunity to sketch and work up images on my ipad. Using a layering of imagery a body of work began to emerge and I became very conscience and connected to how the process revealed and reflected on human social encounters.

When I was well these mult layered sketches were worked up into paintings using oil on wood panel. Small in scale they capture those moments and exchanges between two people; presented in a somewhat light hearted manner and include some famous Artist couples.

Creating an identity - somewhat topical at the moment.  This is a nod towards the exterior and how we represent our personalities by what we wear.




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Social Interactions - Marina and Ulay

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by jane eaton Mrs

0il on Wood Panel

h: 30 w: 41 d: 4 (cms).

Marina Abromovich and Ulay, the extraordinary performance artists are depicted here.  A background representing symbols of their countries of birth. Theirs was a tumultuous relationship which ended in separation and where Marina went onto to receive world recognition for her work as an individual.  Always there remains memories of their extreme physical performance connections.  An ultimate reconnection and reconciliation was also made by them before Ulay died.


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